Change One Thing 5

Next in my new year changes series. You can read them all here.

10 Minute Morning Weight Training and Exercise

Gosh, I am SO unfit compared to how I used to be! This is partly menopause hormone change and weight gain, but partly being too sedentary! In my 20s and 30s, I was as fit as the so-called butcher’s dog. I worked out at a gym several times a week doing weights, treadmill and step classes mainly. I developed a lot of my music tastes then from MTV – which shows how old I am!

Now in my mid-late 50s – which still seems REALLY odd to me! – I have to start building more bone density and muscle more than ever. I keep meaning to but, you know, life gets in the way and there’s always something more important to do. It makes me laugh really as I’ve always enjoyed exercise – as long as it is to loud music!

I keep thinking I’ll go to a dance class or join a fitness group, but the truth is that I am still not reliably well enough to do that kind of thing yet. I simply don’t know how well I will wake up each day – that’s MCAS for you – the chronic inflammation never stops; I’ve just managed to dull it massively, but sometimes it flares out of nowhere. Hence, these new year changes, which are all designed to lower inflammation and put myself into even more of a healing state.

If I don’t get exercise done first thing, it never happens. I know that about myself. I think many people are the same. The day takes over and then you don’t feel like it later. So, I have reinstated my 10 minute exercise routine that I used to do every single day. I even wrote my 10 Minute Exercise book about it, which is now free on the shop for you.

I don’t do a set routine but I generally do reps of 10 of each exercise. I use light 2kg hand weights to encourage bone density and do several arm and waist exercises to start with. I then lie on the floor and do several different sit up, leg and buttock exercises. It adds up to about 80-100 reps of some kind of exercise. It doesn’t take long but it cumulatively adds up and makes a BIG difference. Or it used to – we’ll see what my body can do with it now in my 50s! I hope to do it every ‘well’ day, anyway.

I don’t bother getting changed into any kit. Another barrier that stops people, I find. I do it either in my PJs before my shower or in whatever I’m wearing as I start my work day – which is usually casual, loose-fitting stuff anyway.

And, so I don’t feel like I am wasting work time, I’ve started listening to a podcast or YT video whilst doing the exercises. Any recommendations for 10/15 min podcasts welcome, please, to keep me amused!

2 Replies to “Change One Thing 5”

  1. I really need to do this too, going through TSW and damaging one knee quite badly has driven me from being as fit as butcher’s dog to be very sedentary too. I’ve started going to ParkRun again, even if I walk it. And joined a Bootcamp at the school I work at which is making me do weight work, which I actually love. I need to get myself some weights and start doing it at home but I’m so bad at sticking to routine, when I need to leave for work at 7.40 it’s a struggle.

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