Quote of the Week

greyscale photography of woman wearing long sleeved top

Many cases of chronic pain syndrome are due to a neurological phenomenon called negative plasticity. Brain plasticity refers to neurons connecting together through repeated activation, and it can be positive or negative. Examples of positive plasticity include adopting a new habit, learning a new language, or learning a new skill.PTSD is an example of negative plasticity. An adverse event activates the …

Natural Painkillers: Nice Guidance Changes for Chronic Pain

crop nurse demonstrating small double colored pill

In the news recently, NICE changed the guidelines for people with chronic pain: In a major change of pain treatment policy, the National Institute for health and Care Excellence (Nice) say that in future, doctors should advise sufferers to use physical and psychological therapies rather than analgesics to manage their pain.Sufferers should not be started …

Could Your Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Fibromyalgia, Anxiety etc Be From A Brain Incident Years Ago?

red and orange solar flare

When I did my neuroinflammation course last year, I learned something. It never occurred to me that if a patient is not getting well, no matter every intervention I and others tried, that it might be the result of a brain injury years before causing ongoing inflammation throughout the nervous system. I started regularly asking …