Chemical Sensitivity – Why?

Research I conducted with Dr. Aristo Vojdani showed approximately 20 percent of healthy people demonstrate immune reactivity to chemicals. We published this research in the Journal of Applied Toxicology.The review board called the study revolutionary and breakthrough research. It is the first study that shows a completely new model of how chemicals combine with our own proteins to create autoimmunity …

Are You Detoxing Moulds, Meds, Alcohol, Hormones Well Enough?

laboratory test tube with various liquids on pink surface

Pleased to report today that LGx has updated it's Genetic Detoxification test to help people discover if they are strong or weak at detoxing five specific compounds. The Detoxification report describes the genes, nutrients, and lifestyle and environmental factors that can impact detoxification. In addition to a detoxification overview diagram, it provides five new personalised …

How Am I Doing Now?

Someone asked me this yesterday and I suddenly realised I hadn't updated you since the start of the year (here: What Happened in 2017?). Doesn't time fly! So, here is an update for you so you can see where I'm up to if you are following my healing story. The foods... Food-wise, if you remember, …