Tigernut and Coconut Yummy Autumn Porridge

porridge with fresh raspberries

Christine Ann sent in this link to a US/Canadian porridge that might be useful for TGF and AIP people, thank you C :). https://shopaip.com/collections/just-added/products/wild-zora-instant-grain-free-aip-classic-hot-cereal-9-oz They make it out of: Tiger Nuts, Coconut Milk Powder, Shredded Coconut, Ground Cinnamon, Sea Salt. It strikes me that should be quite simple to make at home. Just combine those …

Safe Spices

If you are avoiding foods because of autoimmune disease or chronic illness generally, it can sometimes involve knocking some spices out of your diet, which leaves much of your food bland as heck. I love spicy food and used to make a mean curry, but I've not been able to get spices in for a …