Purehealth Digest

IMPORTANT: EASTER ’24. Please don’t order or return any tests to arrive after 17th March or they will probably get stuck in post/labs over the holidays. Labs tend to re-open Tuesday 2nd April. Ta.

Stop Killing Our Rivers

The Soil Association has issued a petition to help save our rivers. They ask UK Governments to implement a ban on new intensive poultry units, support farmers to exit this damaging industry, and take action to reduce chicken consumption to more sustainable levels. Please sign it if you agree.

Spotlight On: Chromium for Cravings and Blood Sugar Control

This is a crucial mineral that I always give in cases where we need to control blood sugar and cravings, for a start. It makes sooooo much difference, I can’t tell you. Patrick Holford has done a recent report on chromium generally, which makes for interesting reading.

A double-blind placebo-controlled study in 2008 randomly assigned 42 overweight adult women with carbohydrate cravings to receive chromium or placebo for 8 weeks. Chromium, as compared to placebo, reduced food intake, hunger levels, and fat cravings and decreased body weight.(11)

Holford Chromium Report

According to my practitioner reference: Chromium may induce these effects by affecting the brain’s hunger receptors. Some research suggests that chromium might sensitize insulin-sensitive glucoreceptors in the brain, resulting in appetite suppression, activation of the sympathetic nervous system, stimulation of thermogenesis, and down-regulation of insulin secretion. Sounds good to me!

Just know that you have to take a good form (picolinate, not chloride, which you’ll find in cheaper supplements eg. Centrum, Vitabiotics etc) and you need to take enough. Generally most studies are done on 200-600mcg per day, but you can go up to 1000mcg for up to 6 months if needed – be careful if you are on diabetes meds, obvs, as it works!

I have recommended these lozenges kept in handbags and desk drawers (1 per day mid-meal) to help cravings and balance blood sugar. Bit sweet, ironically, but they work. Better still, divide dose throughout the day with caps like these. If using for diabetes/insulin-control specifically, go for a complex like this, or Patrick’s own blend. And, if you’re really struggling with food cravings even on the chromium, try this.

For even more help, read my Belly Fat Plan, which is all about insulin and sugar control. And, check if you have a leptin problem – which controls hunger etc here.

MCAS – What’s It Really LIke?

Hands up, who recognises some (or pretty much all) of this? Yep, sadly, much of it for me. I feel for her. Please read, sign and share to help Jemma (and all of us MCAS sufferers) raise awareness and get closer to better diagnostics and treatments.

Navigating University with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

If you’re interested, I also wrote a big rant about it myself not long ago. Thankfully, I am massively better since then, but it never leaves you! I’ve Had It With This Illness. Lately, the biggest challenge has been menopause, which is sending me and my mast cells all over the shop, but at least I can eat soya and flaxseed now (still very few supplements) to help a bit. Honestly, life: such a wheeze (literally)!

Clinic Behind The Scenes

Blimey, the costs of running Purehealth seem to be going up and up, and I’ve cut to the core as much as I can already! The Healthpath patient software suddenly went from free-for-ever to £25 a month in Jan and yesterday my Ecwid shop increased by 50% with no notice! Just as I had added all the tests on to the shop again – which you seem to like 🙂. Inflation, I presume. Everyone is increasing prices. I have refused to so far as supplement and test costs have risen steadily since Brexit too as food, energy and mortgage/rent costs have mushroomed and wages are stagnant. What a mess the UK is in currently. Just wanted you to know I am trying to have your back and am working hard behind the scenes to keep things going and low cost for you all as much as I can. I may have to ditch HP and find a new shop at this rate! I’ll keep you posted xxx

Gluten Gene Test Kits Back In Stock

Just to say I have now got some of the Gluten Coeliac and NCGS Gene test swab kits in the UK again – been waiting ages, so thank you for your patience! No idea what I am talking about? Here’s some info from the test page.

I was the first person in the UK to do this for people, and it is now available again in the UK. It is a simple cheek swab and the only test that measures for all known genes linked to gluten sensitivity (HLA-DQ1/HLA-DQ3) and coeliac disease (HLA-DQ2/HLA-DQ8). Other labs only measure for genes linked to coeliac disease, which is why many people are sadly misdiagnosed. The pattern of the genes found in the results help us work out your risk of coeliac disease or if it is more likely to be NCGS (non coeliac gluten sensitivity). When I did it, for example, I had a double DQ1 and a single DQ8. If these genes are triggered (which mine have been), then you are likely to develop a gluten illness. In my case the DQ1 is more likely to be skin issues (inc leaky gut!!) and NCGS, but I have a low risk of coeliac disease. NCGS can be every bit as serious as coeliac disease, by the way, so don’t get lulled into a false sense of security! Check my TrulyGlutenFree section on the website for more on this.

You can see a sample report here. The report gives you some idea of what’s going on, but I can also explain more if you need me (see Support options here). The different DQs relate to different conditions and you can find that and loads more about gluten testing and treatment in the Gluten Plan if yours comes up positive. Please allow up to 4-5 weeks for results for this one.

And Finally.. Shameless Plug

If you fancy reading a weekly post that looks at the funny side of life, follow my sister on Inside Fran’s Head. She’s so funny – I am biased yes, but she is. Enjoy x

That’s it for this issue, folks!

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