10 Top Inflammation Triggers

man holding his face

Inflammation is behind pretty much every disease we know - it's not just about obvious inflammation from painful conditions like arthritis and muscle pain, although those are significant, I know. Think also: IBS and gut diseases, heart disease, cancer, asthma, depression, eczema, neuroinflammation (brain fog, migraine, anxiety etc), dementia. Every person has their 'inflammatory load' …

Purehealth Digest

flat lay of letter shaped cookies

IMPORTANT: EASTER '24. Please don't order or return any tests to arrive after 17th March or they will probably get stuck in post/labs over the holidays. Labs tend to re-open Tuesday 2nd April. Ta. Stop Killing Our Rivers The Soil Association has issued a petition to help save our rivers. They ask UK Governments to implement …

The first two things to correct when you have food intolerance

Great reminder here in this week's quote of the week for how to start turning round multiple food sensitivity. So, when your patient has persistent food sensitivity responses, especially when there are lots of them, or when the patient seems to develop sensitivity reactions simply by eating a food for long enough, or taking a supplement …