The first two things to correct when you have food intolerance

Great reminder here in this week’s quote of the week for how to start turning round multiple food sensitivity.

So, when your patient has persistent food sensitivity responses, especially when there are lots of them, or when the patient seems to develop sensitivity reactions simply by eating a food for long enough, or taking a supplement for long enough, it’s useful to look at two mechanisms: addressing dysbiosis and addressing the adequacy of SIgA production. This may not be big news, but it’s useful to be able to think about these processes from the point of view of their underlying biological mechanisms. 

Dr Yanuck, Cogence Immunology

This is why I am always going on about SIgA as you can’t stop reacting if you’ve not got enough of that – the dendritic cells take over and they are much more trigger-happy. See here for more on SIgA generally.

However, I’d not really clocked the importance of the dysbiosis properly so that is a good reminder for me. I am always aware of it and invariably give probiotics, but I shall be reading all the references given by Dr Yanuck and learning more about that specifically. (You can read the whole of his article about it here, with references at the end).

I sort of challenge him that dysbiosis is in the top two. I would choose short chain fatty acids and SIgA, but I’ll add dysbiosis as the top 3!

Also, I did a whole series of posts about multiple food intolerance here, so do also read those. Here’s one about SIgA, SCFAs and dendritic cells specifically – see, I’m good, me 😉

(The picture, by the way, is from the P88 food allergy and intolerance test here).

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