Great Podcasts: The Rest is Politics

I swear I’ve become more interested in politics as I get older. I suppose we all do, something about caring for the wider community, society and the world at large rather than for ourselves as we forge families, careers and relationships – which takes up ALL our headspace when we’re young whippersnappers, maybe? That said, I’ve always been quite interested. A Uni friend of mine was very ‘political’ and dragged me to rallies – poll tax, anyone?! – and opened my eyes, particularly when I saw her cry when Maggie Thatcher got in in the 80s.

I’m on the Labour side of things, as I like to think most people must be after the complete shower of Conservative sh**e we’ve had for the past few years, please God! I’ve never felt so embarrassed to be British, we look like right numpties on the world stage – especially the European one. Who wants to isolate us, make us culturally, financially and morally worse off, honestly? Just don’t get me started.

But I do love Rory Stewart! A conservative former MP and cabinet minister who, I think, is in the wrong party! If we had to have a conservative and yet another Etonian, I wish it had been him, and I’m pretty sure the country and our reputation would not be in the state it is now. I like many of his ideas, his eloquence and his caring for society and individuals. I confess I follow him on Twitter. I regularly remind him that he is really a Lib Dem or Labour candidate and should just admit it! Anyway, anyone who refuses to serve under Boris Johnson and leaves instead has my vote. He’s not perfect, who is? But he had to be a better choice.

So, to the point of my post: have you listened to Rory and Alistair Campbell (former Labour comms manager) on their podcast: The Rest is Politics? It’s a really good listen. I find it challenges my thinking, which is always a good thing, and it often makes me laugh, chunter or spit with frustration! What I like about it most, though, is that it’s far from the playground antics that passes as ‘debate’ in the Commons and is two men with a lot of inside knowledge ‘bringing back the lost art of disagreeing agreeably’ as they put it. A lost art indeed in our very divided country. Thanks David Cameron for calling an off the cuff referendum that was always going to cause division as referenda always do. Again, don’t get me started!

Yup. Definitely more political nowadays 😉

Check it out on Spotify here.

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