Give Zinc to Elderly To Avoid Pneumonia

Low serum zinc levels associated with increased incidence of pneumonia in elderly. In a study of nursing home residents, patients with normal serum levels of zinc exhibited decreased incidence, severity and duration of pneumonia symptoms. Residents with low serum zinc levels (less than 70 mcg per decilitre) experienced increased incidence, longer duration of episodes, and …

Fitness Myths

I was browsing the ineedfitness website the other day (a good resource by the way so pay it a visit if you're trying to get fit) and I came across this excellent article. I hope they don't mind, but I repeat part of it here for you. For more, find the name on the website and …

Wahay…I’m off!

Welcome to my blog spot. This is especially for you if you read my monthly E-News from and want a more regular fix! With this blog, I am hoping to be able to comment on natural health stories and issues as they come up or inspire/annoy/excite me (or all of the above at the …