Detox and Methylation Tests

Do I need a Detox or Methylation Test?

Have a read of the Detox and Methylation factsheets first. If you recognise yourself there, then, yes, you probably do need to see what’s going on. You could just go for treatment if you suspect your detox systems are sluggish, but it always helps to confirm things so you can target treatment specifically.

In short: if you have frequent headaches, gut problems, hormonal upsets, mood issues, recurrent infections, multiple food or chemical sensitivities or the like, you probably need to up your detox/methylation capability!

To be honest, I think most people could do with a little gut and liver MOT regularly – and that’s why I have many people do the Gut Plan for 8-12 weeks once a year. It really pays dividends for health in lots of different ways. Do not underestimate it.

Testing Summary

Do the combined Genova Functional and Genetic Methylation test. To check if your detox phase 1 and 2 pathways are optimal and in balance, do the Hepatic Detox Profile.

IMPORTANT: Use the buttons above to order direct from the labs or via me on the shop. Using these buttons means I get a little commission, which helps me keep the test service going for you, thank you. I’ll send your results with the full report and an email with my thoughts and recommendations – there is no extra cost for this. Regenerus will send your results direct to you. You can book any Support you need here. Any questions, I’m happy to help: just email me (

Liver Function Tests

You can do simple liver function enzyme tests via your doctor or via me here. This might be useful if you are drinking a bit much and want to check your general liver health or see if you’re developing a fatty liver as you age. This will test the normal liver enzymes and proteins and give you an overall look at how your liver is actually functioning.

However, the liver is a very complex organ and there are several pathways through which it breaks down both internal (gut etc) and external (environmental, toiletries, food etc) toxins. See the Detox factsheet for more on this – it’s fascinating (well, to me anyway!).

This is not what is checked in the normal liver function test. For that you need to look at the liver pathway function – the capacity you have for balanced biochemical detoxification.

Liver Detox Capacity

Here, you can do the Hepatic Detox Profile which looks to see if the phase 1 and phase 2 pathways are working effectively and are in balance. If not, you hold onto more toxic compounds that can trigger ill health, don’t break down hormones, drugs, alcohol, caffeine or medicines as well as you might, hold onto toxic metals and chemicals more etc.

If you find a problem with either pathway or the balance between them, you can then treat specifically to boost the right things. It makes a heck of a difference to your overall health.

Methylation Tests

Many people wish to check their methylation status specifically. This is a crucial process in the body which is vastly underrated in mainstream medicine, in my view. Check the Methylation factsheet for more on why methylation is so important.

You can test two different ways: genetically and functionally. You need to do both to get an accurate picture, in my opinion, or do the functional test if you’re only doing one. Use the Genova Methylation Test with the Genetics add-on.

Genetic Liver Issues

Many people have genetic weaknesses on certain detox pathways and this can explain a lot. For example:

poor acetylators (me!) are often multiple-chemical-sensitive

poor methylators or those with absent glutathione genes (me again!) are just vulnerable to toxic overload generally amongst many other things as those two are really important processes for the body

people with poor CYP450 pathways will make things more toxic and

those with poor NAT transport genes will not be able to eliminate toxins as well as they might.

Happily, once you are aware of any genetic predisposition or weakness, you can take steps to offset it.

You can test most of those via the Optimal Health Pro gene test (PHC) and much more in the LGx Methylation or Detox Gene Tests. Check the sample report to make sure it covers what you need.

Testing Summary

Do the combined Genova Functional and Genetic Methylation test. To check if your detox phase 1 and 2 pathways are optimal and in balance, do the Hepatic Detox Profile.