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Quote of the Week: Vitamins 60 Billion. Deaths 0

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Had to share this with you today as I am so sick of seeing scaremongering stories that supplements are harmful. Buried deep in a report from the American Association of Poison Control Centers, published in Clinical Toxicology – anyone would think they didn’t want you to find it! – is the astounding admission that there were no deaths reported in the vast US for vitamins (or homeopathy, note) during the whole of last year – despite an estimated 60 billion doses being taken – and that’s a conservative number.

Throughout the entire year, coast to coast across the entire USA, there was not one single death from a vitamin. If vitamin supplements are allegedly so “dangerous,” as the FDA, the news media, and even some physicians still claim, then where are the bodies?

Andrew S Saul

Safety Confirmed by America’s Largest Database

by Andrew W. Saul, Editor

OMNS (Dec. 20, 2021) The 38th annual report from the American Association of Poison Control Centers shows zero deaths from vitamins. Supporting data is in Table 22B, p 1476-1478, at the very end of the report published in Clinical Toxicology[1] It is interesting that it is so quietly placed way back there where nary a news reporter is likely to see it. The AAPCC reports zero deaths from multiple vitamins. And, there were no deaths whatsoever from vitamin A, niacin, pyridoxine (B-6) any other B-vitamin. There were no deaths from vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, or from any vitamin at all.

On page 1477 there is an allegation of a single death attributed to an unspecified, unknown “Miscellaneous Vitamin.” The obvious uncertainly of such a listing diminishes any claim of validity.

There were no fatalities from amino acids, creatine, blue-green algae, glucosamine, or chondroitin. There were no deaths from any homeopathic remedy, Asian medicine, Hispanic medicine, or Ayurvedic medicine. None.

Zero deaths from vitamins. Want to bet this will never be on the evening news? Well, have you seen it there? And why not? After all, over half of the U.S. population takes daily nutritional supplements. A Harris Poll showed that for American adults, the number is 86%. [2] But let’s just use the low number. Should each of those people take only one single tablet daily, that still makes close to 170,000,000 individual doses per day, for a total of well over 60 billion doses annually. Since many persons take far more than just one single vitamin tablet, actual consumption is considerably higher, and the safety of vitamin supplements is all the more remarkable.

Throughout the entire year, coast to coast across the entire USA, there was not one single death from a vitamin. If vitamin supplements are allegedly so “dangerous,” as the FDA, the news media, and even some physicians still claim, then where are the bodies?

Source: You can subscribe to Orthomolecular News here: 

That’s not to say, of course, that supplements are benign. They are powerful things. Taken properly, they can certainly change lives; I see it daily. Taken wrongly, out of balance with others and in a high enough dosage, they have the potential to be harmful. But, truly, you’d have to go some. I’ve never seen it in 30 years. If you stick to manufacturers’ and practitioner recommendations and buy good quality stuff (not most of High Street brands), you will likely benefit greatly with – as you can see – negligible risk.

Ergo: the next time you see a scaremongering story about supplements being harmful, please remember this!

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