Pain Disorders

Many of us suffer with painful conditions. Those can be acute and relatively short-lived (thank goodness), but when pain becomes chronic (the official definition is lasting more than three months), that’s a whole different ball game. Not nice at all.

I am not going to write much here for now on acute pain. For that, you can see more tips and hints on the Aches & Pains factsheet here and I have given my top painkiller product recommendation for you below in case you need it.

Just one tip before we start: you can now test your likely causes of chronic pain and your response to pain approaches genetically, which can save oodles of time and suffering trialling myriad approaches. You can also test your likely response to specific medication types ie. will they likely work for you or harm you. See my Genetic Tests page here.

Central Sensitivity Syndrome

For chronic pain, I think it would pay you to read a blog post I have written on Central Sensitivity Syndrome (CSS) below.  And there is also a lot about it now in my Healing Plan

Never heard of it? I’m not surprised. Our understanding of how pain happens in the body is changing drastically. We used to think that local inflammation or tissue damage actually caused pain eg. an arthritic knee, but we now know that is not the case. Ooer!

In actual fact, all pain comes from the brain’s perception, and scans, for example of arthritic knees, bear no correlation with who shows problems on the scans and who suffers pain. Just as many people with poorly-looking knees don’t have pain as people whose scans are perfect do have pain, if you get my meaning.

CSS is basically where the body’s perception levels have been turned up to full. It’s an imbalance in some of the neurotransmitters that stimulate or inhibit pain in the brain. It’s fascinating stuff and holds the key for many people now whose pain just won’t bog off!

Anyway, to start you off, here is a current list of recognised CSS illnesses, where a person’s pain pathways have been turned up too high.


  • Fibromyalgia syndrome (FM)
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Migraines
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Frequent Tension Type Headaches (TT)
  • Premenstrual Syndroms (PMS)
  • Food Intolerance
  • Stimuli Hypersensitivity
  • Depression
  • Interstitial Cystitis
  • Vulvodynia
  • TMJ (temperomandibular joint)
  • Dental pain
  • Visceral pain

Some more psychiatric disorders can occur with CSS too, including depression, OCD, bipolar disorder, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), GAD (general anxiety disorder) and panic attacks; more on why this happens later.

Continue reading my post here:

Is It Central Sensitivity Syndrome?

and then do please watch the two videos below. One’s quick and funny and the other is long and a bit more technical but where the really meaty bits are.

I truly hope it helps you and you get your amplifier turned right back down.


Natural Painkillers

I realise that many of you have come onto this page because you are seeking pain relief. The stuff above is to start you thinking about a different way to view chronic pain. But, I know, you can’t even start to think about deeper stuff whilst the pain is gnawing at you; it’s very distracting!

So, here is a ‘natural’ painkiller for you that might help. This is the one I recommend most often, although there are others, of course. Bear in mind, these do not act as fast as a drug painkiller, but used correctly and for the medium-term, they are designed to lower inflammation and therefore pain. I hope it helps.

My top anti-inflammatory is Biotics KappArest, which you can read more about here where I reviewed it.

For more on natural painkillers, see this article for some non-ingestive methods:

8 ‘You Won’t Believe It’ Natural Painkillers

And this one for homeopathic versions, which can be very effective for different pain types:

Homeopathy for Pain Management

There is a great article here, too, on CBD for pain management.

The Empowered Pain Patient’s Guide to CBD

And you can see a good non THC CBD supplement here and a load of different CBD options here.