
There is an awful lot to say here and I just haven’t had time to write up your factsheet yet.

For now, if you are looking for natural medicine support, I suggest you get the book below. It is absolutely the best I have come across and gives you lots of useable practical information to use on or off conventional therapy including radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It is written by Murray and Pizzorno, who truly know their stuff in this field.

The other thing to do is to go to WDDTY and get their Cancer Handbook.

Thirdly, go to the blog and search for relevant posts, of which I have done quite a few over the years. Here’s the search to start you off.

As I see other stuff, I will let you know.

Breast Cancer Screening
I am often asked about this. I would never presume to tell a woman to have screening or not to have it; it is a personal choice. But to make an informed choice, you need correct and reliable information. This is a really good leaflet from the famous Cochrane researchers on it – they were compelled to write it to correct what they saw as errors and misleading information given to women so I share it for you here in case it is useful. Please do talk to your chosen healthcare practitioners about your screening choices.

Screening for breast cancer with mammography

Useful Cancer Markers

Cancer Markers (tumour markers) are specific proteins produced by the body in response to cancer growth or by cancer tissues. Their presence within blood plasma can aid in detection of some types of cancer. 

CA 15-3 Cancer Antigen 15-3 or Carbohydrate Antigen 15-3 is typically elevated in advanced stages of breast cancer, and in three-quarters of those where it has metastasised to other organs. It can also be elevated in bowel, bladder, lung, ovarian and endometrial cancers. Levels are also found in cirrhosis, hepatitis and benign breast disease.

Normal < 31 U/ml (30% of patients have an elevated CA 15-3 for 30-90 days after treatment, so wait 2-3 months after starting new treatment to check).

CA 19-9 Cancer Antigen 19-9 or Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9 is typically found to be raised in those with advanced pancreatic cancer. It may also be raised in bowel cancer, lung cancer, gallbladder and liver or biliary tree cancers. This marker can also be elevated in benign disease such as gall stones, pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, and liver disease.

< 37 U/ml is normal > 120 U/ml is generally caused by tumour

CA 125 Cancer Antigen 125 or Carbohydrate Antigen 125 is raised in ovarian, breast, colorectal, uterine, cervical and lung. Can also be elevated in Endometriosis and other benign conditions.

Normal 0-35 U/ml

PSA Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a protein that is made in the prostate in two forms – complexed and free. Complexed PSA is bound to other proteins, while free PSA is not bound to anything. Using a combination of PSA Total, Free and Ratio markers will aid in determining the likelihood of prostate dysfunction and the development of prostate cancer. Prostate tumours normally produce complexed PSA, while normal prostate cells produce free PSA. Free PSA tests are used to find the PSA free/total ratio. A high ratio means that you do not need a prostate biopsy.

Source: FDX Diagnostics. Just ask if you need me to test these. But please do be talking to your GP if you have any concerns.